Table of contents
  1. The process of achieving today's goals

Today's process is recorded with the following indicators:

  • The number of XP accumulated compared to the Daily goal
  • The number of completed tasks compared to the target of the Daily goal

In which, for each goal you need to perform the tasks of watching video clips, learning lessons, new vocabulary and playing games with the corresponding amount of each goal as follows:

🍚 For 1500xp, you need to learn at least 1 lesson, learn 3 new words, watch 1 video clip and practice 3 games

🥗 For 6000xp, you need to learn at least 3 lessons, learn 3 new words, watch 2 video clips and practice 5 games

🍣 For 20000xp goal, you need to take 4 lessons, learn 3 new words, watch 3 video clips and play 6 games a day

  • Time left: Time remaining in the day to complete the goal
  1. Learning time

Learning time in the day is evaluated based on 3 factors: Input time, Speaking time, and Writing time to compare your time distribution to learn each skill. From there, you can better allocate your study time to improve your skills!

By keeping track of your daily goals, you will control your English learning process much more effectively.