Table of contents

Collecting coins

  • You will receive 50 coins when you create a new account and log in.
  • Every day, by logging in to the eJOY Epic App, you will receive a gift to collect coins.
  • Complete your profile to earn 20 coins.

  • Each time you level up, you will receive a reward in coins. EJOY's ranking chart has 13 planets, each with 5 ranking promotions. Each time you are promoted, you will earn at least 50 coins.
  • Achieving a streak milestone: Every time you reach a particular milestone, you will receive 50 coins. The streak milestones for rewards are 7 streak - 30 streak - 60 streak - 90 streak, etc.

Using coins

  • Use coins to unlock the videos (for the Basic account).
  • Use coins to unlock the lessons (for the Basic account).